Saturday, August 21, 2004

Praying with My Kids!

1- A couple of nights I was praying with Ian while putting him to bed. Ian is the type of guy who hits the pillow and is sound asleep, yet he always manages to pray even as he is drifting. One of my favorite things in the world is to listen to my kids pray. Their earnestness and insight astounds me. You really get to glimpse the heart of a child when you hear them pray. Here is what Ian prayed the other night:

"Jesus, thank you so much for Mommy, thank you for having Mommy make such good food for me and thank you for making Mommy so much fun. Please protect her and keep her safe. And thank you for Daddy and for making him so smart. He's not smart about everything, but thank you for making him smart to know all about transformers and superheroes, and how to make scary faces. Thank you so much Jesus, Amen."

At that point he completely fell asleep, and I wondered o myself why he needed to add the qualifier about me not being smart about everything, he's not supposed to know that yet.

2- I have been painting the exterior of the house with every spare moment I have (which is not saying much) In the process I really did a number on my brain cells with the oil based primer-- ouch- bad trip. I also pulled some muscles in my neck, and thus was in some excruciating pain. Wednsday was a complete waste because I could barely think because the pain. Thursday morning I awoke and the pain was worse. I was downstairs taking care of some e-mails and kathleen prances into my office and askes if she can pray for my neck. She climbs up on the couch behind my chair, puts her little hands on my neck and starts asking Jesus to send the power and presence of God to make Daddy's neck better. She prayed stuff along that line for a couple of minutes and by the end of the prayer 95% of the pain was gone and I was able to go into work. Pretty cool eh!

Thank you Jesus for my Kids-

new blog to quickly for an update on what is going down with Central Vineyard!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome Jeff! Becoming a parent is the best. BTW, I thought I was the only person in the world to own a copy and have read A Confederacy of Dunces.
Susan Mentrak

9:28 PM  
Blogger John McCollum said...

Oh, shoot. I wasn't supposed to tell Ian about you not being smart about everything?


I guess I'm not that smart either.

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff ~
You and Adrienne are a testament to how beautiful marriage and a family can be. May God continue to bless your marriage and household. And, may he continue to give you funny moments of prayer/reality checks with Kathleen and Ian.

9:08 AM  
Blogger mommy zabs said...

Hey Jeff! I guess this is actually a way I can communicate with you! :) Ian's prayer cracks me up! So glad Kathleen is learning to pray like that! A tip too- if you find the right source you could probably have your exterior paint done as cheap as doing it yourself and purchasing the paint. It will spare you lots of time and pain! Also i need you to help me with links on my page!!! ;) Hope you are enjoying the couch. Love you. Orlando is storm free right now :)
Hug everyone for me.

10:17 PM  
Blogger D said...

Dude just cause you are a big shot Senior Pastor now does not give you the right to not put up new posts!!!! JMc, MG, and BC can't stop me from comming down to your new church with a computer (a real computer, not toy Mac) for you to type out a new post!!!!
Dave Webster

10:04 PM  
Blogger mg said...

i agree with DW,

It's been a month jeff. time for a new post.

11:53 AM  
Blogger mg said...

i don't know why i bother looking at your page for a new post. it obviously isn't going to happen.

what's up jeff?! you used to be a good blogger.

8:44 AM  

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