Friday, January 14, 2005

Weird Reunions . . .

Reunion 1: A month ago I was kinda reviewing my life as I went through some old pictures. I was not the type of guy who had a lot of frineds growing up, especially in elementary and middle school. On friend I had for a few years in middle school was TL. TL was a rarity at Burbank Elementary School for a few reasons. 1) his parents were divorced and he lived with his mom, (rare in the 70's where I lived, and 2) he was friends with me. My friend TL was there in 2nd grade, moved away, and was back I think in fourth grade, where he went by a different first name. We'll anyway, TL moved away and I lost touch. Flash Forward 23 years later and I am wondering whatever happend to TL. While going thorugh old pictures I asked God to help me run into him. 1 week later Adrienne and I are at Little Brothers for a show and we are waiting in line with this newly married couple. We small talked a bit and they invited us to sit with them for a bit. Elissa and Drew where their names. I found out that not only did Drew and I used to work for the same company (UUNET), but Drew also gre up in UA. After proceeding further I found that we were the same age-- Further-- that we went to the same elementary school. I asked him his last name and found out it was TL going by a different first name! I was completely blown away. Anyway, we had a great time together reminiscing. He was pretty blown away about my extensive memories from 23 years ago. His mom lives around the corner from us, and we are all getting together in the near future. Pretty cool answer to prayer.

Reunion 2: While sharing the story with JMC we began remiscing about people we had lost track of from our high school (15 years ago). I think we were looking at a yearbook or something. I came across a guy that was a year ahead of me, and also a low man on the social totem pole such as myself. He was in a couple of study halls with me. The reason I remembered this guy is because he was always really kind to me. Reminiscing with JMC We both wondered if this person ever embraced Christianity. I asked God right there if he would halp me to run into my old friend. Yesterday Andy Taylor and I were having coffee at Cafe Appropos and I thought I caught a glimpse of this guy out of the corner of my eye. I jumped up, ran outside, and called his name. It was him. At first he had no clue who I was-- But we talked for a bit. Turns out he is pretty entrenched in the music scene playing in a few bands. Still a very good natured fellow. We made plans to hang out. This blew me away.

Reunion 3: 12 years ago I worked with Habitat for Humanity over the Summer helping disabled clients find opportunities to do non physical labor to earn "sweat equity" towards their house. One couple I grew very fond off were Ruth and James and their little Boy Sunny. Both Ruth and James suffered from severe health problems, not to mention they lived in a tenement that had a rotted out floor with roaches everywhere and no utilities. We were so exited to see them get a house. When I left back to college I tried staying in touch with them and sent several letters, but never received a reply. When I got back to Columbus I was never able to find them. Every few years I would think of them and pray that God would help me to f ind them again.

Today I had to go to Radio Shack to pay a friends Sprint Bill. I was supposed to meet my friends, but I went to the wrong Radio Shack. While there I saw a man sitting down, it looked just like James. I asked him his name and it was him. He said Sunny was behind me and I turned around and 10 year old Sunny was now 21 and big enough to wrap me into a pretzel. He was pretty excited to see me. He told me that He still remembers us going to COSI and running errands all around town for Habitat. I invited them to Church, and Sunny and I are getting together. Not an quick answer to prayer like the first 2, but amazing nontheless. Pretty cool eh?


Blogger John McCollum said...

Coincidences are cool, aren't they.


9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God truly does move people like little kids move cars! I hear great things about your church. I love you and miss working with you.


7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fact you had no friends in school still just amazes me. You have been a very dear friend to me almost from the very first day we met and you will always hold a special place in my heart. -Parker

4:02 PM  

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